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Anyone is capable of having their caps lock key on at any given time without realizing so. Users can easily spot unwanted caps lock when typing in most inputs, but when using a password
, the problem isn’t so obvious. That leads to the user’s password being incorrect, which is an annoyance. Ideally developers could let the user know their caps lock key is activated.
To detect if a user has their keyboard’s caps lock turn on, we’ll employ KeyboardEvent
‘s getModifierState
document.querySelector('input[type=password]').addEventListener('keyup', function (keyboardEvent) { const capsLockOn = keyboardEvent.getModifierState('CapsLock'); if (capsLockOn) { // Warn the user that their caps lock is on? } });
I’d never seen getModifierState
used before, so I explored the W3C documentation to discover other useful values:
dictionary EventModifierInit : UIEventInit { boolean ctrlKey = false; boolean shiftKey = false; boolean altKey = false; boolean metaKey = false; boolean modifierAltGraph = false; boolean modifierCapsLock = false; boolean modifierFn = false; boolean modifierFnLock = false; boolean modifierHyper = false; boolean modifierNumLock = false; boolean modifierScrollLock = false; boolean modifierSuper = false; boolean modifierSymbol = false; boolean modifierSymbolLock = false; };
provides a wealth of insight as to the user’s keyboard during key-centric events. I wish I had known about getModifier
earlier in my career!
CSS @supports
Feature detection via JavaScript is a client side best practice and for all the right reasons, but unfortunately that same functionality hasn’t been available within CSS. What we end up doing is repeating the same properties multiple times with each browser prefix. Yuck. Another thing we…
Build a Slick and Simple MooTools Accordion
Last week I covered a smooth, subtle MooTools effect called Kwicks. Another great MooTools creation is the Accordion, which acts like…wait for it…an accordion! Now I’ve never been a huge Weird Al fan so this is as close to playing an accordion as…
Facebook-Style Modal Box Using MooTools
In my oh-so-humble opinion, Facebook’s Modal box is the best modal box around. It’s lightweight, subtle, and very stylish. I’ve taken Facebook’s imagery and CSS and combined it with MooTools’ awesome functionality to duplicate the effect. The Imagery Facebook uses a funky sprite for their modal…
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