Home Beauty and Fashion How To Dry Flowers + Make Naturally Scented Potpourri

How To Dry Flowers + Make Naturally Scented Potpourri

by Delarno
How To Dry Flowers + Make Naturally Scented Potpourri

You might remember the classic potpourri from when you were a child. They were pretty, with shells and seed pods and other oddities mixed in, but they smelled like—to 8-year-old me, at least—old lady. With the overpowering fake scents of sea breeze and spiced chestnut, I couldn’t get away from them fast enough. But let’s just say this DIY potpourri isn’t the potpourri of yesteryear.

You start by drying fresh flowers from the garden, then customize the scent with essential oil (or fragrance oils, if you like) to suit your mood, the season, or what have you. It’s gorgeous, subtle, and completely customizable, just like potpourri should be.

How To Dry Flowers + Make Your Own Naturally Scented Homemade Potpourri

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