Does yours?
I’m over winter. This feeling usually hits me around the second week of February each year so I guess I’m ahead of schedule. I sure hope spring is, too. (Yes, yes, the dang groundhog, but is he ever right?)
Over it.

Because I spent the morning dreaming of nicer weather and lots of time outdoors, I started to revisit older blog posts about preparing for spring. So, for today, I’m sharing a quick roundup of spring-related info that will be helpful for anyone else who is dreaming of the longer days to come.

Honestly, spring cleaning is one of my favorite topics and activities!
Each year, I impatiently await the day I can throw open all the windows and dig into a whole-house deep clean. I started a bit earlier this year because we had an additional task–resealing the grout in the shower, which is less fun–but it’s led to a lot of bonus decluttering as I move things around the bathroom and closet.
That said, in this guide, I tried to be as comprehensive as possible on tasks most beneficial to people who share their homes with their pets. But, if that’s not enough for you…

This one includes some fantastic printable checklists to guide your cleaning, made by my wonderful friend The DIY Pet. Plus, it includes my favorite time-saving cleaning strategy of all: Toss every single dog toy into the top rack of the dishwasher to sanitize everything quickly!

This post is almost six years old and is still one of the most popular posts on this site. I guess we all share the same goal: a pet-loving but odor-free home!
These seven tips are incredibly impactful, and I use them all year long, not just in spring.
I also address a bit of litter box issues, too, though not as in depth as I should have. Maybe I need a new post that’s just generally how to keep your home from smelling like pets, though I’m not sure I’d change anything because these seven tips do the job. Promise.

If you are dreaming of gardening and everything you can grow this year (I have big, BIG plans myself), here are 15 veggies that are safe to share with your pups. I love mixing in fresh fruit and vegetables in their bowls, and I’m pretty sure they love it, too. I try to grow pet-safe veggies and this list is a great place to start.
This year, though, I need to do some serious rabbit-proofing because our yield last year was diminished significantly, thanks to those little buggers.
BTW, if you’re interested in how I mix in some of the fresh produce, check out this recent post: Rotational Feeding for Dogs: How, what, and why we feed on rotation.

But, if you are stuck inside and it is still winter–sigh–but you’re wishing for springtime blooms, consider adding some houseplants. The greenery will bring you peace, the plants will freshen your air, and it’s almost as good as being outside. (Okay, no. It’s not. But it’s still nice.)
Only 45 days until spring…
I’m revisiting these posts as I imagine all the warmer, sunnier, snow-less days to come. I’m starting to plan and plot my garden, sort out my spring cleaning plan, and dream of a fresh start–with windows thrown open.
How about you? Are you one to mourn the end of winter? Or do you also long for spring?