Home Animals & Pets Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr?

by Delarno D.

Purring certainly is one of the most common sounds cats make. It’s actually one of the most animal sounds that, we humans, perceive as cute and endearing. Yet, generally we don’t know what a cat purr means. Although you’ll never know exactly what your feline is saying when it purrs, research from animal experts, along with considering the state and situation of your cat, will enable you to make an informed guess.

So why do cats purr?

In this article, you will discover the 5 main reasons cats purr and simple techniques to help you better understand your cat’s purring.

  1. A Cat Purrs Because It Is Happy:Happy purr cat

 This certainly is the most obvious answer to our question. If you’re patting your cat and you feel a little quiver, that’s certainly a happy purr. It can actually feel almost like your cat is sending waves of calm out. Besides, in case your cat looks relaxed: Perhaps it’s lying on its back with eyes half-closed and tail mostly still. If it’s purring, it’s certainly safe to assume that it’s a joyful one!

  1. Cats Purr Because of Hungry Or Want Something:

 Many cats purr when it’s food time or when they desire something. Thankfully, British researchers say that hunger purrs are differentiable. But, how exactly? Actually, according to some studies, the purrs a cat makes when it’s hungry are distinct. As a matter of fact, when cats purr for food, they generally combine their normal purr with an unpleasant cry or mew that’s a bit similar to a human baby’s cry.

This kind of purring actually has a name: “solicitation purr”. Does that still seem confusing to you? Don’t worry! Experts believe that we, humans, are more likely to respond to this particular sound that cats emit than their other ones. They’ve found that people, though unconsciously, can usually tell the difference when it’s a solicitation purr, even if they aren’t cat owners.

  1. Purring Is A Way of Communication Between A Cut Mom and Its Kittens: 

Did you ever notice that kittens purr more when they’re only a few days old? According to researchers and animal experts, purring is the kitten’s way of letting their mothers know that they’re all right. Owing to the calming sensation that purring generates, mommy cats can, sometimes, use it as a lullaby for their kittens. 

  1. Cats Purr When They Feel Uncomfortable: 

Whether they are frustrated, angry, frightened or feeling threatened, cats may purr. Does your cat purr whenever you visit the vet? That’s a frightened purr. Have you ever seen stray cats fighting? That rather loud sound they make, that’s angry purring.

  1. Cats Purr to Relieve and Heal Themselves:Why Do Cats Purr?

Among the answers for “why do cats purr”? This is certainly the answer that will surprise you the most! Even though purring takes energy, many cats purr when they are hurt or in pain. It may seem stupid to waste more energy when we’re not feeling well already. So, what makes pain purring worth it?

Although it may simply be the way cats sooth themselves to divert their mind from the pain, researchers suggest otherwise. As a matter of fact, it has been proven that the low frequency of a cat’s purring generates a series of vibrations inside its body. A cat’s purr vibrates at 25-150 HZ, which is the same frequency that is used in physical healing. This quivering can, thus, ease breathing, heal bones and injuries, build muscle and even repair tendons whilst acting as a form of pain relief, as well.

To conclude, cats purr for a plethora of reasons. While you can almost never know for sure, this article has enabled you to always be almost certain with your guess.

If you know other reasons why do cats purr, kindly comment and share them with our readers.

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