Ear is the human organ of hearing and balance; It collects and analyzes sounds. When …
Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is an excessive dryness of mouth due a lack …
Diabetes is a medical term referring to any disease that produces excessive elimination of a …
Autism is a complex developmental disorder affecting the brain function, making it difficult or even …
Asthma is chronic disorder of the airways characterized by sudden contraction (inflammation) of muscles commanding …
Arteriosclerosis is a degenerative disease of the arteries. This degeneration occurs when there is destruction …
Arthritis is a form of inflammatory disease, acute or chronic, which affects the joints. Depending …
Appendicitis is a medical condition characterized by Inflammation of the appendix. Appendix is the extension …
Anxiety is an emotional disorder characterized by a sense of insecurity, tension or uneasiness that …
History of Alzheimer’s disease In 1906, neurologist Alois Alzheimer described anatomical changes observed in the …
Alopecia Alopecia denotes the acceleration of hair loss. Hair is a slender threadlike outgrowth of …
Alcoholism is a dependency on alcohol consumption and all pathological symptoms that it results. Alcoholism …