Table of Contents
Rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman and make your life worth living every day. Who can give this power to you? Me? Your spouse? Your parents? Your in-laws? ONLY YOU.
There is a very thin line between can and can’t, just a difference of an apostrophe as you see it and as you apply it. But the willingness to travel the road and overcome that line is all that matters and changes the story of your life.
In this blog, I will share 21 ways to help you find your life purpose as a woman and start living your life as an empowered one.
What Are Rare Ways To Find Your Life Purpose As A Woman
What are the rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman? By being jealous, by comparing, by demeaning another woman? Or by taking charge of your life and making it work for you.
It might sound harsh when I say this, but I have seen a lot of women wasting their brightest energy in cribbing, criticizing, gossiping, and then complaining about their life. And trust me when I say this, nobody can help them, not a mental health promoter like me, neither licensed practitioners nor therapists can help them find their life purpose because they don’t know the importance of it.
So if you are a woman of courage and tough determination, who doesn’t want to stop growing even after getting married. A woman who is looking for useful ways to take charge of her married life or a woman who loves to explore her life, this blog might help you 🙂
Find your life purpose through his simple exercise
Get a pen and paper.
Grab a quiet corner.
Ask yourself: “What is my life purpose?”
Note down whatever comes to your mind, be it silly, stupid, or irrelevant just make a note of it.
Continue asking the same question
Keep answering until you stop at a point where your heart gets stuck and you feel something strong about it.
21 Rare Ways To Find Your Life Purpose As A Woman
With this simple exercise and below mentioned ways, I am sure you will reach somewhere in finding your purpose. All it takes is a little time and faith in yourself to move ahead and take charge of your life.
1.) Find what adds a spark to your life |
2.) Find what makes you happy |
3.) Find what you are passionate about |
4.) What brings joy to you |
5.) What is that thing you always wanted to do |
6.) What is that one thing you miss |
7.) What is that one thing which never tires you |
8.) What is that you love to do |
9.) What inspire you |
10.) What keeps you going |
11.) Find your passion |
12.) Connect with like-minded people |
13.) Join discussion forums |
14.) Spend some time alone |
15.) Ask questions to self |
16.) Evaluate yourself |
17.) Revamp yourself |
18.) Upgrade yourself |
19.) Read inspiring books |
20.) Maintain a daily journal |
21.) Set goals and fulfill them one goal at a time |
1.) Find what adds a spark to your life
There is always something which adds a spark to your life, maybe when you see someone dancing or singing. You rejoice in it and want to jump in, is it what you want to do? Ask your inner-self.
2.) Find what makes you happy
Only you will know this by figuring out and constantly asking yourself, what makes me happy? One of the rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman is to find what makes you happy and follow it.
3.) Find what you are passionate about
There is a difference here, things that make you happy could be temporary but things you are passionate about gives you purpose to live. Like I am passionate about writing.
4.) What brings joy to you
If you ask this question to me, the comments, the feedback on my blog, the emails I receive from my readers who are sitting in the different corner of this world, brings sheer joy to me, because it is the result of my passion and purpose I found in my life.
5.) What is that you always wanted to do
I am sure you are not doing that right now, maybe you wanted to be a pianist and you ended up being an architect. You are earning well, taking care of every need but don’t feel content about it.
6.) What is that one thing you miss
I miss my singing classes which I had to drop right after I went to high school due to the increased load of studies, sound familiar?
7.) What is that one thing which never tires you
I am never tired of writing or making meaningful art. I am never tired of reading and writing poetry, what is that one thing in your life which adds so much spark in you that you can do it even in the middle of the night? Find it out.
8.) What is that you love to do
As the saying goes, do what you love and love what you do. What do you think these entrepreneurs are, a bunch of passionate people who chose to swim against the tide and made their mark just because they love to do something in which they found their purpose in life?
9.) What inspire you
Women are beautiful, forgiving, and they get easily inspired by anything around them. So chose your atmosphere wisely, chose what inspires you, and follow it.
10.) What keeps you going
One of the rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman is to find out what keeps you going, for some it could be the love of what they do and for some, it could be the inspiration behind what they do.
11.) Find your passion
Because we all have one. Cooking, cycling, boxing, designing, styling, make-up, teaching, writing, singing, and the list could go on. Pick up your passion and sit with it for a while, inspect and see what you can do with it.
12.) Connect with like-minded people
Connecting with right and like-minded people helps to look in a different direction, helps you to learn new things and they also try to push you to follow your passion, you feel encouraged and determined.
13.) Join discussion forums
You can choose to join discussion forums online, there are various platforms available. Many women-centric communities exist online, where you connect with a lot of women from different spaces and make a healthy circle.
14.) Spend some time alone
Spending alone time gives you time to pause and reflect. In your daily life where you are busy with household chores and children, you tend to push your thoughts aside, but one of the rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman is by taking time for yourself and take charge of your life in those moments.
15.) Ask questions to self
While finding the real purpose of your life, you might go through a lot of confusion and dilemma. You will feel stuck and won’t be able to make up your mind as what do you really want to do in your life, refer to the earlier exercise, ask questions to yourself, until you are assured of what you want, take time, do not stress.
16.) Evaluate yourself
We easily pass comments on others, give our feedback to others, sometimes even be critical of other’s choices and way of living, but what we need to do is to evaluate self first, where do we stand, how much do we master the skill to criticize others. It is always easy to judge others but very difficult to evaluate and upgrade themselves, try doing this.
17.) Revamp yourself
It is never too late, you can always revamp your self. You can always start over again. If you have a clear objective in your life then nothing can stop you from following your passion, so never hesitate before giving a fresh start to yourself.
18.) Upgrade yourself
One of the rare ways to find your life purpose as a woman is to upgrade yourself continuously if you want to find your purpose in life, you need to live the life you imagine for yourself. You will have clear all the blockage in your mind and that is only possible through unlocking your full potential.
19.) Read inspiring books
Books have the power to inspire and change your perspective. Read inspiring books, it will not only help you develop your thought process but will take you to another world of unlimited possibilities.
20.) Maintain a daily journal
A daily journal is like your mood tracker, growth tracker, and your progress tracker. When you write what you feel daily, it helps you to evaluate your thoughts and keep a tab on your daily emotions and tasks.
21.) Set goals and fulfill them one goal at a time
Yes, one goal at a time and that too realistic one. Only you know your capacity and ability, define goals based on your capacity and not on the basis of other’s judgment or expectations. When you set goals and define deadlines, you start taking charge of your life. You become closer to your life purpose.
Before I wrap up, I would say don’t let your marriage stop you from growing rather set standards and re-define marriage. Your life starts when you want t start, life is happening at every moment, just pause and reflect and take charge of it.
Never compare your life with others, your success with other’s success meter. Life is somehow unfair to everyone but the only thing matters here is how much we manage to live on those unfair moments and refuse to give up. Find your life purpose and it will help you wake up awesome every day. Till then breathe and be grateful for all the little things you have around you. Take care. Stay safe and stay sane.