- “250 X Your age X 39” gets you an interesting number. What number is it?
- Did you know a Rubik’s cube has 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible configurations?
- Did you know Graphene, the world strongest material, is approximately 1 million times thinner than paper but about 200 times stronger than steel by weight?
- Did you know scientists lit a cave of natural gas on fire in 1971 expecting it to burn out in a few days, but it still burns to this day? The placed is now called “The Door to Hell”.
- Did you know brass doorknobs automatically disinfect themselves in about 8 hours?
- Did you know there are more atoms in a single glass of water than glasses of water in all oceans combined?
- Did you know the US “currency paper“ is not made out of paper but a blend of cotton and linen?
- Although you might know that already… Did you know Galileo Galilei is the father of modern science