- Did you know the first car ever made was constructed in 1885 by Charles Benz (Mercedes Benz), a German inventor?
- Did you know Lamborghini cars were created because the builder of the Lamborghini tractor company (Ferruccio Lamborghini) was insulted by Ferrari founder (Enzo Anselmo Ferrari)?
- Did you know it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota but 6 months to build Rolls Royce?
- Did you know Cadillac is named after a Frenchman called Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, founder of a town called “Ville d’Etroit”, which is known today as Detroit, Michigan?
- Did you know Cadillac was the first car to be equipped with electric lights and also the first one to have a V16 Engine?
- Did you know Henry Hale Bliss was the first person to be killed by a motor vehicle accident in the United States in September 14, 1899?
- Do you know the first police car was 100% electric, and was powered by two 4hp electric motors?