Many couples spend years trying to conceive a child but remain infertile. For the ones that finally manage to get pregnant, some have difficulty staying pregnant. Often these couples feel isolated, depressed and have feeling of hopelessness. Research shows that people that suffer from infertility can fell the same amount of trauma has someone with cancer. They may try to conceive naturally or seek treatments for years. They may decide to adopt, foster or give up altogether on parenthood. It doesn’t matter where they are in their journey of infertility, they need your support and love, and you should give it to them. If you’re wondering what you can do to help, continue to listen.
In this article, you will learn 9 ways to support people suffering from infertility. kindly subscribe to our channel to help increase our viewers on YouTube.
9 Ways to Support People Suffering from Infertility
- Don’t Tell Them to Relax
- Keep Your Advice and Opinions to Yourself
The only time it is okay to give your opinion or offer advice is when they ask you! When you see people that you care about its understandable that you want to help find a solution. It is not your place to recommend treatments or tell them they can adopt or become foster parents. Trust me, this is not what they want from you, and it offers no comfort at all. When couples are infertile, don’t you think they have explored all their options? Of course! They will let you know when they want you to help them explore any options but for now, its too personal for them.
- Be A Good Listener
More than likely, they will not want to talk about their infertility. You should always be prepared to be a good listener regardless of what they want to talk about. Whether its their favorite show, football game, gossip or the last concert they attended, just listen. You will probably be thinking they are avoiding the issue and you’re exactly right but just be open to whatever they want to talk about because it is therapy for them.
- Ask What They Need from You
Individuals dealing from infertility may need encouragement, to vent, ask your advice or just talk. Your job is to ask what they want from you. They may very well say nothing. Sometimes they may want to talk about there infertility but only if they bring it up. Remember that this is a very sensitive and private matter so always be cognizant of your loved one’s feelings.
- Be Careful Announcing your Pregnancy
Take the time to think about people that are infertile before you announce your pregnancy. Before you make a public announcement to the world that you are having a baby you should inform your friends and family that have not been able to get pregnant. The last you want is for them to feel blindsided. Give them time to take in and process that you have been successful conceiving (probably without trying) and they have not.
- Give Them Space
If someone cannot conceive a child, they may not want to be around you while you’re pregnant or once you have your baby. They may pull away and not maintain a relationship with you for quite some time, but you should not take it personally or be offended. It is not about you; it is about them. Always let them know you care and continue to check in on them. They are guarding their hearts and they need a little time and space. Deep down they are very happy for you however, they may never show due to their own disappointments.
- Feed Them
Help take their minds off their problems by feeding them. Perhaps you know their favorite places to eat. Surprise them and take them out to dinner. If you can’t get them to go out or answer, you can prepare their favorite meal and drop it off at their house. You never know when they have gotten bad news or need more space so don’t expect them to greet you or be sociable.
- Support Their Choices
You should support their choices even if you think they are ridiculous, you don’t understand or that it is a waste of money. Offer your support when they make decisions like stopping treatment or tell you they no longer wish to become parents. Don’t try to change their minds or judge them in any way. They must make their own decisions to best of their ability and deal with the consequences. You don’t need to know the reason why or understand their choices. All you need is to love and support them through their grief.
- Talk To the Men
When most people want to show empathy or their concern about infertility, they usually think about the woman and not the man. Men need support as well as women. Talk to the men and let them know that you are there to support them. Do not make them feel as if the woman is the only one that is hurt or important. Men need to know that you care about their feelings and frustration. They need encouragement and to hear that one day they will be a wonderful dad.
Infertility is very challenging for people to deal with and navigate the ins and out of the process. These couples face many fears but especially the one that they may never be able to conceive a child and raise a family. The best way for you to show your support to love them through the process, offer and give nonjudgmental and unconditional support. You may be curious but the choices they make are private. Once they feel safe and secure enough with you, they may open up. If not, remember that is their decision.
Here are five infertility support groups in the US:
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association – RESOLVE is a non-profit organization that provides support, education, and advocacy for those experiencing infertility. They have support groups throughout the United States and offer online support groups as well. Their website also provides a wealth of resources on infertility and family building options.
The American Fertility Association – The American Fertility Association is a national organization that provides education, support, and advocacy for those experiencing infertility. They offer online support groups, as well as a helpline and a variety of resources on infertility and family building.
Fertility Matters – Fertility Matters is a non-profit organization based in Massachusetts that provides education, support, and advocacy for those experiencing infertility. They offer in-person support groups in the Greater Boston area, as well as a variety of resources on infertility and family building.
Path2Parenthood – Path2Parenthood is a national organization that provides support, information, and advocacy for those experiencing infertility, as well as for those seeking to build their families through adoption or surrogacy. They offer a helpline, online support groups, and a variety of resources on infertility and family building.
The Infertility Support Group – The Infertility Support Group is a non-profit organization based in Illinois that provides education, support, and advocacy for those experiencing infertility. They offer in-person support groups in the Chicagoland area, as well as a variety of resources on infertility and family building.
Each of these organizations offers valuable resources, support, and education for those experiencing infertility. It’s important to find a support group that is the right fit for your needs and provides the type of support you are looking for.