Home Health and Lifestyle Lose Weight Fast with This Simple Technique

Lose Weight Fast with This Simple Technique

by Delarno
lose weight fast

Lose Weight Fast with Daily Walking

Many studies have confirmed the many benefits of walking. It prevents premature aging signs, in addition to improve cardiovascular system, respiratory system, muscular system, and of course, mental functioning. But in addition to that, walking is the best way to lose weight fast and safely.

Use Walking to Lose Weight Fast

Many people go on difficult diet deprive themselves of foods they love but never succeed to get in shape. Yet, walking to lose weight fast is the best and safest mean to lose pounds progressively and reverse premature aging signs. It is simple; all physical activity that is consistent and performed the right way will allow you to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy rather than fat reserves. When the exercise is associated with proper and balanced diet, the results are amazing.

Here are 4 tips to help you succeed

  1. Motivation and Determination

lose weight fastFirst, you need to convince yourself that from now on you will dedicate 45 minutes to one hour a day to walk. Remaining determined is crucial. If you are all alone, you may tend to get discouraged, but be persistent and motivated. Once you start seeing real results your determination will increase.


Wearing suitable clothing and footwear when exercise is important: pleasant pants, shirt, and shoes that make you feel comfortable to walk on any surface. As long as you can, convince a friend or partner to go walking with you. This allows to convert the exercise in a healthy routine. Doing this daily will help you lose weight fast, faster than you would think.

  1. Establishing Times and Rhythms

Although walking is the best way to lose weight, if you are new to exercise, it is recommended to start slow at the beginning: walk about half an hour a day. Once you feel physically capable to increase your performance, you can walk half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon. As you become fit, you can fasten your pace to walking about 7 km / h. It is very important to avoid over exercising. Remember, although you need to lose weight fast, the most important thing is to become or remain healthy.

It is not difficult once you get started. But it is essential to make the initial effort. After a few days everything will become just daily routine. As you start losing weight, compliments from friends and family members will be a booster to help you persevere.

  1. Proper breathing to walk

Your breathing should be abdominal. Remember that walking is an aerobic exercise: your blood brings oxygen to the organs and muscles in motion, which in return leads to fat burning and conversion into energy necessary to perform many vital functions, including deep abdominal breathing. Catching air and inflating the abdomen, then releasing the air through your mouth.

It may sound complex, it is not so complicated once you start practicing it. It is a healthy exercise that would not only help you lose weigh fast but also rejuvenate your organs and make you look younger. Doing itbest way to lose weight properly, you will start seeing results after about 45 days. This simple exercise helps you to lose kilos of unhealthy fats while embellishing your skin and improving your appearance at the same time. Remember to consume a healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of liquid for faster and better results.

  1. Proper positions to adopt when walking to lose weight

When walking, your shoulders should be relaxed and the chest straight. If your head is too balanced and feel a slight stretch in the front of your legs, this means that your strides are too long and you’re walking in a forced way. You must feel comfortable; you are not lifting heavy weight.

Here are some tips that can greatly help you:

  • Avoid Extending Your Strides. Making false movements can lead to injury. Your stride should be normal. Adopt comfortable pace, never overstretch your legs.
  • Steps must be fast, but never lengthening your stride. Start at normal paces, and after five minutes you can increase the frequency of your steps
  • Pay attention to the moments of your hip region. Your walking should be made of fast but natural movements that will not hurt your pelvic organs. Your pelvis and your hips gain mobility by walking.
  • Your feet should touch the ground in the right way: your heels should touch the ground first, and toes are what give momentum. This simple technique would help you to avoid injuries and pain.
  • Your head should be raised or at normal position. It is not good to be looking at your steps when walking. It is essential that your walk as most comfortable as possible while still maintaining your head straight forward.
  • The shoulders should be relaxed. You must be able to balance your shoulders with ease. To relax your shoulders, you first need to relax your arms by moving them along with your feet.
  • Arms should be bent at 90 °. Your arms give you momentum to walk. While walking, go without balancing them away from your body. Remember also not to clench your fists.

Regular walking remains the best way to lose weight for people at any age. It is safe even for people fragile health. But most of tend to neglect it for heavy workouts or unhealthy diets which cause more harm than good. From today on, make daily an integral part of your life.

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