This is one of the darkest post we have ever published. The main objective is to help you pay attention to the signs that can warn you when someone is having a mental breakdown that could possibly lead to these types of crimes. These rampage killers are usually affected by a type of psychotic disorder, severe depression, schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder. Sometimes these disorders coupled with alcoholism or substance abuse which may cause a mental breakdown.
Some rampage killers are non-psychotic; they are just evil individual who just to commit hate crimes or acts of terror for their sick and sinister reason.
Here Are 11 Deadliest Rampage Killers
- Adam Lanza peter -27
- Baruch Kopel Goldstein – 29
Baruch Kopel Goldstein wounded 125 Palestinian Muslim worshippers and killed 29 people during the 1994 cave of the patriarchs massacre. he was an American Israeli, a physician and a religious extremist. On February 25th 1954 Goldstein enter your room in The Cave of the patriarchs Which was being used as a mask. He was wearing his army uniform to create the image of a reserve officer He opened fire trying to kill as many people as possible.
- Toi Mutsuo – 31
Toi Mutsuo parents died of tuberculosis when he was still a baby and he and his sister were raised by his grandmother. Toi who was known to participate in the bizarre practice of yobai (night crawling) which is an ancient Japanese custom where men and women discover how sex works. The couple would have intercourse and then leave in the morning. In May of 1938, Toi was diagnosed with tuberculosis and the women began rejecting his sexual advances Which caused him to be enraged and made him feel lonely. since this disease was known as deadly, he believed it would claim his life and began plotting revenge against the people in the village who he believed had wronged him. Toi felt as if he had a death sentence and had nothing to lose and began a 90-minute killing spree. The first life that he two was his grandmothers by cutting her head off with an ax. Toi cut the electricity line for the entire village of Kamo and they were all in darkness. He strapped 2 electric torches to his head and started creeping through the village like he did when he was participating in yobai. he went through the village killing his neighbors with a sword and a shotgun. On May 21, 1938 he killed 30 people, injured 3 then killed himself in order to get revenge for sexual and social rejection.
- Campo Elias Delgado – 33
On the afternoon of December 4th 1986, Campo Elias Delgado gagged and tabbed his 15-year-old pupil 22 times and gagged and stabbed her mother 4 times in their apartment. Their bodies were found the next day by his students 11-year-old brother. Next, he went to his apartment that he shared with his mother to fill his briefcase with ammunition then walked up behind his mother and killed her with a single stab to the back of the neck. He wrapped his mother’s body in newspaper, sprinkled it with gasoline, set her on fire, then ran through the apartment complex screaming fire, fire! He went to several apartments stating he needed to call the fire department and killed at least five of the people. Delgado headed to a friend’s house where he stayed a couple of hours and then went to a restaurant to eat and drink. At approximately 9:15 PM Delgado opened fire on the diners. On that horrible day in December, Delgado once a self-described Vietnam War veteran and a former US serviceman Injured 15 people and killed a total of 32. It was originally thought that he committed suicide however, when the police compared the bullets they found that Delgado was shot and killed by a police officer.
- Cho Seing-hui – 33
Cho Seeing-hui what is the perpetrator responsible for the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16, 2007 in Blacksburg VA. Cho was born in South Korea and came to the United states when he was eight years old. he was diagnosed with selective mutism, major depression disorder and anxiety disorder while he was in middle school. He was a senior level undergraduate student at the university and during his last two years at Virginia Tech he exhibited abnormal behaviors and submitted writings that roof referenced violence which caused concern among classmates and teachers. At approximately 7:15 AM on April 16th of 2007 Cho killed two students on the 4th floor of a high-rise dormitory. If the school had issued a campus wide warning of the first two shootings, the number of fatalities could have been greatly reduced. Over the next 2 1/2 hours Cheryl returned to his room to rearm himself. Around 9:45 he went across campus to a classroom and shot dozens of people in a span of nine or 10 minutes. During the Virginia Tech shootings show wounded 23 people, murdered 32 others and then committed suicide.
- Martin John Bryant – 35
Martin John Bryant was 28a-year-old Australian rampage killer who was responsible for the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania on April 28, 1996 and this was the deadliest mass killing in Australia’s history. He maliciously murdered 35 people, injured 23 others and is currently serving 35 life sentences. Bryant open fire in a cafe gift shop and a car park. He wanted 10 people and killed 12 in just 15 seconds and then went to another location nearby and killed several more people. They have never discovered his motive and he has never explained his actions although he knows he will die in prison. Bryant has been linked to his father’s murder and a friend years before his killing spree.
- Ahmed Ibragimov – 35
On October 8, 1999 during the Second Chechen War, Ahmed Ibragimov murdered 34 people and injured at least 20 more. People came out of hiding after the battle had ceased and Ibragimov Approached a group of people sitting on a bench and began to talk to them. After a little conversation he took out a rifle and shot four of them. There are reports that he was drunk and stated that the Russians are killing Chechens so now I am going to kill Russians. he shot the people that he recognized as being Russians and spared the life of those who were Chechens. Ibragimov stole a bike from one of his victims and rode it to various houses inhabited by Russians and shot them. the victims were left in the yards of their homes and lying in the street. He killed 34 Russians ranging from age 10 to 89 in less than an hour. Once he ran out of ammunition, he fled but was captured by the Chechen rebels and handed over to the village elders. There was no trial and he was handcuffed to a pole and beaten to death by two Russian brothers whose parents he had killed. The corpse of Ibragimov was left lying in the streets tickles the locals refuse to bury him.
- Andrew Philip Kehoe – 55
Andrew Philip Kehoe was an American farmer and the treasurer of the Bath Township school board. He became very frustrated after losing the reelection for the school board and began a killing spree. On May 18, 1927 Kehoe first murdered his wife then he detonated a bomb at the Bath Consolidated School killing 38 children, 6 adults and wounding several other people. Kehoe committed suicide by detonating dynamite in his truck near the school and the explosion killed and wounded more people. On that horrible day in May of 1927, Kehoe killed a total of 55 people and 58 were injured.
- Woo Bum-Kon – 57
Woo Bum-kon was a former marine and a South Korean police officer that went on a killing rampage in South Korea. The murders of 57 people took place in four different villages on April 26th and April 27th, 1982. There were also 33 people wounded before he killed himself with a grenade. This was known as the Uiryeong Massacre until the Norway attacks of July 22, 2011. Woo gathered weapons and ammunition at the police station without anyone noticing. He used his status as a police officer to gain entry to the houses of some of his victims. It took the police an hour to gather a team of 37 officers although they had been alerted within minutes of the first shots being fired. It is said that Woo started this attack because he was bothered by some of the villagers comments regarding him and his girlfriend living together and not being married.
- William Unek – 57
William Unek was a Belgian Congo police constable who killed 57 people in two different killing sprees that were three years apart. Now how does something like that happen? He killed 21 men and women with ax and they were all believed to be complete strangers. Unek was never apprehended and started a new life in the British territory of Tanganyika and apparently, he stayed under the radar because he was not suspected of the ax murders. Unek went on his second killing spree the morning of February 11, 1957 after a misunderstanding between him and his supervisor. He used a stolen police rifle to injure and murder dozens of people in the village Malampaka and then used his ax to finish the massacre. A 15-year-old girl was strangled, 5 men were murdered with his ax, two women and a child were burned to death, one man was stabbed and Unek killed his own wife as well as the wife a high-ranking police officer before burning down their home. Unek injured a total of 30 people and killed 57 men, women and children during both of his killing sprees.
- Anders Behring – 77
Anders Behring Breivik was a Norwegian extremist that was responsible for the mass murder of 77 people on July 22nd 2011 in Norway which was the biggest massacre since World War II. There were 96 people injured in addition to the killings. Prior to the attack, Breivik emailed 5700 people a 1500-page document title 2083-A European Declaration of Independence. In this document he spoke of the threat of Muslim immigration to Norway as well as Marxism and the Norwegian Labor Party. He also wrote that he is a savior of Christianity and claim to be part of an order called the Knights Templar. Breivik was an active anti-Muslim.