This article can literally change your life if you take action. You can save money to buy those new clothes, a bike or even a car and not have to ask or depend on your parents for money. When a teenager is able to make and save their own money it gives them a sense of pride and independence. Confidence work experience
In this post, you will learn seven ways to make money as a teen which will include using your phone or providing some type of service.
- Baby Sitting
Babysitting is one of the oldest ways known for teenagers to make money. If you’re lucky enough to find someone on your street or in your neighborhood that needs babysitting services regularly, you can make a lot of money. Babysitters are needed for last minute emergencies where children can’t go or for things like date night. If you show yourself worthy and dependable you will be hired over and over again and they may refer you to some of their friends and family when they need babysitters. You can make anywhere from a few dollars an hour to double digits per hour.
- Start A YouTube Channel
Many people including teenagers love to make videos and take selfies all day long. Why not make this habit into a money-making venture for yourself by starting a YouTube channel? Now, I can’t help you choose what subject your channel is about however, I can give you some ideas. Maybe your life is interesting to a large audience and you should start a YouTube channel similar to a reality show. Perhaps your mother or father taught you a skill that people usually want to learn like mechanic work or sewing. As a teenager you may already know what profession you would like to enter and have taken steps towards reaching that goal.
You could start a YouTube channel showing your journey on how to accomplish that goal such as what type of school to go to, how to choose the school, what degree is needed and how you will obtain your desired position. It’s a good ideal to research and see what other teenagers are doing on their YouTube channel. A camera and an internet connection and you’re on your way.
- Help People in Your Neighborhood
There are a lot of single women, men and elderly people in the neighborhood that always need help around the house or the yard. In the old days people were very neighborly and friendly and helped one another out. Teenagers would knock on doors and ask the homeowner if they needed their grass cut or their snow shoveled. Many elderly people today often complain that they cannot find any help in their yard or around their house.
Perhaps it’s because the younger generation does not know this is a great way for teenagers to make money, or they are not interested in manual labor and there are so many ways to make money online now that a person does not have to leave their home to make money. A teenager could easily make $35-$60 per yard cutting gras or shoveling snow and if you get a partner you can get a lot more completed.
- Sell Online
What’s absolutely about selling online is that everyone can make a lot of money selling almost anything online. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teenager or 100 years old, you can make A little bit of money or a lot of money, it’s your choice. There are sites where you can sell new and used items online by posting a picture, a general description and a price. In some cases, you don’t even have to leave your house because you can have the post office, FedEx or UPS pick up your packages once you make a sale.
- Pet Sitting or Dog Walking
Pet sitting and dog walking are becoming one of the most popular part time jobs. Most people that do these two things either together or separately have multiple clients at once. You can walk as many dogs as you can manage at the same time or what your schedule will allow. You can also do the same thing when pet sitting except you must take into consideration if you’re allowed to do that at home or in someone else’s home. Be sure to ask your customer if you are allowed to have an extra dog at their house when pet sitting..
- Deliver food/groceries
There are apps that allow teenagers (usually 18) to work by delivering food or groceries. You do not have to have a car you can use a bike or a scooter. Some teenagers do have a car to use and are older enough to drive but don’t let that stop you if you are not one of those individuals. If you are under 18 you can try the old-fashioned way if you have a local store in the neighborhood. Ask some of your neighbors (especially the elderly) if you can pick up and deliver some groceries for them. This could help you make money on a weekly basis with only a few customers. A lot of older people do not use the apps available for deliveries so word of mouth could easily benefit you.
- Become An Entrepreneur
If you are a teenager that can think out the box or at least learn to becoming an entrepreneur maybe the most valuable way for you to make money and become financially independent before you reach your 20s. There are a lot of ways for a teenager to make money that do not have age requirements. You can invest in real estate by becoming a wholesaler. If you can design web pages, that would be another option. If you already have or can learn high-income skills such as copywriting, coding, affiliate marketing or Facebook advertising it can pay off in big ways.
There are many ways to use social media and make money as a teen including using Facebook and Instagram. A lot of people look down on individuals in the cleaning business but it can be a multi-millionaire business. You can start with cleaning out garages and houses the next thing you know you have a multimillion-dollar contract or commercial property cleaning. Pick your niche early as a teenager and then you can make your money work for you instead of working for your money.