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by Delarno

Angina pectoris, commonly called angina, is a chest pain due to poor blood oxygen supply …

by Delarno

Anemia is a lack of hemoglobin (pigment of red blood cells carrying oxygen from lungs …

by Delarno

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral which had been frequently used in industries before researchers discovered …

by Delarno

Air Pollution Facts and Deadly Effects Air is a mixture of several gases, mostly nitrogen …

by Delarno

In rich countries, it is common to find adolescents (mostly girls from 12 to 20 …

by Delarno

What are the causes of amnesia? The brain, consisting of giant cells, stores and retrieves …

by Delarno

Allergy is abnormal and specific reaction of your immune system in contact with a foreign …

by Delarno

Depression, also called unipolar depression, clinical depression, unipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, is a pathological …

by Delarno

1. January 11: A man is waiting for the subway in Mexico City, Mexico, during …

by Delarno

A quote is the reproduction of a short excerpt from a speech or a writing …

by Delarno

Broccoli is a variety of cabbage that has a strong and large flower-head. It is …

by Delarno

Throughout the ages people have survived major incidents that were supposed to take their life …


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