Home World Events Harvey Weinstein Held Birthday Party for Hillary and Did This Sick Thing

Harvey Weinstein Held Birthday Party for Hillary and Did This Sick Thing

by Breaking News 247
Harvey Weinstein Held Birthday Party for Hillary and Did This Sick Thing

Disgraced Hollywood pervert Harvey Weinstein once held a birthday party and fundraiser for twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. At the time, she was launching a Senate campaign.Now, seventeen years later, an actor has come forward to reveal the sick thing Weinstein did at the event in 2000.

Last week, The New York Times reported that Harvey Weinstein had been paying off women who have accused him of sexual harassment for nearly three decades. She Said' chronicles how the New York Times broke Weinstein - The LilyDays later, the Weinstein Company’s board of directors fired the Democratic mega-donor after massive amounts of backlash ensued. After all, with so many feminists in Hollywood, you can’t exactly go around masturbating in front of women who you trap in hallways without repercussion.

With the cat now out of the bag in regards to Weinstein’s storied past of sexual abuse, reports are now flooding in from others who have been at the receiving end of his bad behavior. Actor Nathan Lane is the latest to drop a bombshell about Weinstein, who allegedly physically assaulted him 17 years ago at a birthday party for Hillary Clinton. Apparently, women weren’t the only ones whom Weinstein mistreated. 

Veteran actor Nathan Lane said Hollywood movie executive and Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein pinned him up against the wall at Hillary Clinton’s birthday party 17 years ago.


The incident reportedly took place in October 2000, at a Weinstein-sponsored birthday party and fundraising event for Clinton in preparation for her successful run for U.S. Senate in New York. [Source: Breitbart]

According to Vulture, Weinstein lashed out at Lane, who was the party’s master of ceremonies, over a joke about then-Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani’s comb-over. Multiple witnesses claim that Weinstein then threw Lane against a wall, yelling “this is my f**king show, we don’t need you.” During an interview at the New Yorker Festival on Saturday night, Lane recalled his response to Weinstein as being, “You can’t hurt me, I don’t have a film career.” 

Those Democrats who have taken millions of dollars in campaign donations from Harvey Weinstein over the years will have a difficult time convincing us that they knew nothing of his penchant for putting impressionable young actresses in compromising positions and physically assaulting anyone he had a disagreement with.

Hillary Clinton, for one, apparently had no problem with the fact that Weinstein was taking advantage of those who needed a job. It took Hillary Clinton five days to issue this statement about Harvey WeinsteinShe was happy to take his money and look the other way. This is really no surprise, though, when you consider the fact that she is married to the most notorious rapist in history. Indeed, at this point, Hillary has been connected to so many sick sexual abusers that the Weinstein scandal is hardly enough to bat your eyes at.

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