Red clover benefits go beyond relief from menopause symptoms. The herb is a good source of many vitamins and minerals including Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B3, vitamin C, calcium, chromium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition, red clover is commonly used in alternative medicine as remedy for whooping cough, asthma, arthritis, and certain cancers. In some parts of the world, red clover is widely used in traditional medicine to help people with weight loss, weak and brittle bones, high cholesterol, immune deficiency, and skin conditions.
But, first of all, what is red clover?
Trifolium pratense, commonly called red clover is a perennial herb that belongs to the family of plants called legumes and has been used in traditional medicine as an alternative therapy to improve and prevent various health conditions. Some of us wish we could live forever but it is a wish that we all know will not come true. Fortunately, we can take actions to improve our health and extend our lifespan. Red Clover is so rich in benefits You can supplement your diet with it to help you get a little closer to your goal of living forever.
In this article, you will learn 15 red clover benefits for men.
Here are 15 benefits of red clover
- Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms
Being rich in isoflavones, red clover helps lower menopause symptoms in women experiencing hot flashes and night sweats. Two studies found menopausal women with severe symptoms who took 40–80 mg of red clover (Promensil) per day experienced relief from their hot flashes and night sweats within 3 months after taking a supplement which red clover. The participants also got relief from other menopausal symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and vaginal dryness.
- Relieves Hypertension
We need to be aware of the “silent killer” high blood pressure. Many people have high blood pressure for years and do not become aware of it until it causes health issues because the symptoms are so subtle, if any. It is unfortunate that so many men have developed kidney problems and cardiovascular disease due to high blood pressure when they were not aware of the condition. Red Clover is an anti-inflammatory that helps reduce the effects of hypertension. Red clover tea can reduce tension in the blood vessels and the arteries.
- Protects The Heart
One of the ingredients in Trifolium pratense is a compound called polyphenols which includes flavonoids. These polyphenols reduce stress on the heart while improving oxygen delivery to the muscular and nervous systems. Some Studies on animals have found red clover benefits arterial health and prevents coronary heart disease by boosting boost circulation and reducing the risk for developing atherosclerosis, a form of hardening or thickening of the arteries causing obstruction of blood flow.
- Enhances Immune System
The immune system is similar to a watchdog only it guards your health by detecting and killing off invading pathogens. Men with weak immune systems are usually sick more often than people with robust immune systems. Red Clover can enhance how the immune system functions which depends on your current health and diet. Over 70% of the immune system resides in the gut so what you eat plays a significant role in as far as your health is concerned. Red clover can strengthen the healthy bacteria living in your gut.
- Prevents Infection
When the seasons change in the United States it leads to outbreaks of bacteria, virus, and fungi infections. Red clover stimulates the immune system, and this helps you resist infection. It also enables your body to heal faster if you come down with an illness. It does not take a lot to improve your health. All you need is a few drops of red clover extract on the tongue each day to increase your immune system. It is best to start adding red clover to your diet at least 6 weeks prior to a change in seasons so your immune system has enough time to receive the full benefits of consuming red clover.
Women can also reduce their risk of developing certain cancers or their complications. Researchers have found that isoflavones in red clover may to help stop the reproduction of cancer cells and cause the malignant cells to self-destruct (apoptosis). The types of cancers mainly impacted are those related to hormonal changes, such as prostate, endometrial, and breast cancer.
- Lowers Bad Cholesterol (LDL)
The only cause of coronary artery disease (CAD) is an increase in LDL. Various lifestyle factors can cause an increase in LDL such as eating excessive amounts of sugar and saturated fats, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and being sedentary. Men should see a significant improvement in their cholesterol by supplementing their diet with red clover extract or tablets and making some lifestyle changes in order to maintain low cholesterol levels.
A study conducted in 2015 on 147 postmenopausal women found a 12% decrease in LDL cholesterol after taking 50 mg of red clover daily over a period of 1 year. A review of many studies in postmenopausal women who took red clover for 4–12 months indicated a significant increase in HDL (good) cholesterol and a decrease in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
- Enhances Circulation
The circulatory system is responsible for moving the oxygen-rich blood around the body. Unfortunately, when men get older circulation slow down in the body which results in low blood flow to the extremities. Fortunately, the coumarins found in red clover can increase circulation. Red clovers anti-inflammatory properties relax blood vessel walls, allowing them to flow smoothly through veins and arteries in the body.
- Cleanses and Detoxifies the Body
Our bodies absorb varying levels of toxicity because we are constantly exposed to toxins every day. Toxins are in the water we drink, the food we eat and in the air we breathe daily. The body can eliminate toxins however, we may be taking in more toxins than we can remove. This causes a buildup of particles in the bloodstream and organs. Red clover has diuretic properties which makes it very useful in detoxifying the body by increasing urination then the toxins are excreted through the urine.
- Boosts Bone Health
Our skeleton starts to lose calcium deposits from the bones as we age then the bone density starts to drop. Men should slow the rate of calcium loss and stop believing the “old wives’ tale” that men do not get osteoporosis. You can boost your bone health by using red clover as an alternative treatment. Consuming red clover as an essential oil or in supplement form can help to slow the progression of degenerative bone disease and help avoid falls.
- Treats Skin Disorders
Red clover has traditionally been used as an alternative treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema. More than 35-million Americans suffer from eczema. Patients with this condition develop inflammation in the top layers of skin and the skin dries out and starts to flake. Diluting red clover oil with a carrier like extra-virgin coconut oil allows you to apply it directly to the skin to manage the effects of an eczema attack. You can also mix a few tablespoons of the oil into your favorite body lotion to enhance its eczema and psoriasis-fighting properties.
Red clover oil provides relief of symptoms by soothing itchy skin and it reduces healing time. In a recent study, the researchers found that adult women taking red clover extract experienced remarkable improvements in the health of their scalps, hair and skin within 90 days of using the supplement. They also benefit lower signs of aging, such as collagen loss and hair thinning.
- Promotes Hair health
Red clover extract has been used to promote hair health in traditional medicine an alternative medicine. A study and 30 men showed a 13% increase in the hair growth cycle (anagen) an A 29% decrease in the hair loss cycle (telogen) when a 5% red clover extract was applied to the scalp for four months, compared with the placebo group.
Red clover oil can recondition the skin and resolve dandruff and that dry itchy scalp. Mix four or five tablespoons of red clover essential oil into your shampoo bottle and shake well to combine then wash your hair with the shampoo as usual. Let the shampoo sit on your scalp for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Red clover oil has potent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it the ideal natural treatment for dealing with any scalp issue where there is a risk of infection of the skin.
- Accelerates Wound Healing
Using red clover can accelerate the healing process if you have a cut, scrape, or wound on your skin. Making a salve using red clover essential oil is an excellent way to take advantage of the medicinal healing properties in the herb. Mix some raw beeswax and a bottle of red clover essential oil. Melt 3-ounces of the wax in a pan over low heat on the stove and add four tablespoons of red clover essential oil. Blend the mixture with a wooden spoon until the ingredients combine. Pour the salve into small glass jars and leave it to cool. Once cool, the mixture hardens, and you can scoop it out and apply it to the affected area for immediate relief. The salve contains all of the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of red clover, preventing infection of the wound. Store your salve in the fridge to extend its shelf life.
- Fights Respiratory Infection
Red clover tea and extract are widely used as an herbal treatment or prevention of a variety of respiratory conditions such as chronic colds, whooping cough, asthma and bronchitis. It provides relief by fighting the infection loosening phlegm. In addition, proponents claim the herb improves sleep quality, calms bronchial spasms, and helps flush extra mucus and fluids from the respiratory tract.
- Fights Free Radicals
Health practitioners believe that red Clover purifies the blood and fights free radicals. Trifolium pratense is a special herb because it contains potent antioxidants that reduce inflammation in the body and boost the immune system. Red clover is a source of many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C. Red clover is also a rich source of isoflavones. The nutrients help eradicate free radicals from the bloodstream and protect the body from infections, diseases and disorders.
You can eat the fresh flowers of the plant or brew it into a sweet and fragrant tea to capture the health benefits of this natural remedy. Supplement manufacturers produce red clover oil extract from the flowers. The leaves and stems of the plants are used in other therapeutic applications.
Thank you for reading to the end. Please share the post with your friends and family to help them reap the benefits of this wonderful herb.