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Alternative Cancer Therapy – Yoga

by Mathew Marshall
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Alternative Cancer Therapy – Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise which has become very popular in recent years.  It involves the use of specific postures, defined breathing exercises and meditation.  It has a long history of use both as a way to improve both physical and mental functions.  Some of the benefits of yoga can be helpful at treating some symptoms which can result from the cancer as well as a number of symptoms which may be caused by surgery or treatments associated with cancer.  We will explore this further and discuss how yoga can be of some benefit in treating some of these symptoms.

Yoga can be used as an effective way to relieve some of the symptoms associated with diseases like cancer due to its ability to improve physical fitness and increase relaxation.  It is not recommended that yoga be viewed as a sole treatment for cancer but it can be used as a way to improve the quality of life for cancer patients.

Standard medical treatment is strongly recommended but its benefit as a way to help to relieve symptoms has increased its popularity to the point that it is used in some cancer treatment centers.

Yoga is an ancient practice which serves to combine mind and body.  It is believed to improve the presence and effectiveness of prana which is known as the life force.  Practitioners and users of yoga believe that it helps them to a better state of physical health as well improve their relaxation, happiness and inner peace.


Cancer can be a very stressful thing for patients.  In addition the disease itself can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain.  And associated treatments like chemotherapy or surgery can cause a good deal of pain and discomfort.

Yoga is used to help to alleviate much of this pain and help participants to reduce their stress.  By achieving a more tranquil and relaxed state they are also able to better focus on the positive aspects of their recovery.  And the physical improvements which can be realized through yoga help cancer patients to recover faster and hold to the rigors of the disease as well the course of treatment.

There are over one hundred different types of yoga which are practiced throughout the US.  Most of these types derive from hatha yoga which involves physical movement, breathing exercises and meditation.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is euBpzyiRnswaGznpkcLPwDMPbW3Lph0Kcwarn06u-1024x538.jpegThis is reported to help users to meld body, mind and spirit together.

Yoga is generally performed either at the beginning or the end of the day.  A yoga session usually lasts for about 20 minutes or so.

There has been good evidence to support that yoga can be an effective way for cancer patients to reduce their stress and improve their resistance or perception of pain.  Studies have also shown that participants have a better mental attitude which helps to improve their recovery.  In addition physical improvements have been documented as well.

Some form of yoga can be practiced by most people.  However patients should consult with their physician first, especially those with arthritis or other bone or muscle related conditions.

And while yoga should not be relied upon to serve as the only means of treatment for cancer, it can nevertheless be of benefit in helping patients deal with symptoms associated with the disease and traditional courses of treatment.  So it should certainly be considered as a therapy to use in addition to generally accepted treatment programs.

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