It is shown that human mouth has more bacteria than 700 bacterial species or phylotypes, of which the smelliest bacterium in human body. This makes it easy for the oral cavity to be a smelly body part without proper care. But some people have their own way of taking care of their mouth, which shocks their dentists. Discover 7 worst things dentists find in the mouth of their patients.
This is undoubtedly the strangest and most disgusting thing ever found in a mouth of a patient, said a dentist in the survey. A practitioner has indeed claimed to have found a fly in the mouth of one of his patients.
When consider how disturbing it is for a fly to even lands on a food we’re eating, it is worth wondering how someone can walk around with a fly in his mouth, and worst go see a dentist with it.
6 – Super Glue
Unfortunately, the glue has caused bone loss, and the patient has lost nearly 90% of the bone supporting the tooth. Dentists had to remove almost all her teeth, inserting metal titanium rods to be able to implant false teeth and restore her smile.
A dentist reported he found lots of wet papers in the mouth of a patient. According to the article, the patient said he used these fabric scraps to fill a hole, like an improvised dental prosthesis.
“This patient said proudly he changed paper every week,” said the dentist. Fortunately for this patient, he did not cause any damage to his mouth, unlike the previous case above.
4 – Candy Wrappers
The candy wrappers were not used as therapeutic procedure; this is a case of negligence or poor hygiene.
A dentist found a denture in the mouth of one of his patients that hadn’t been removed or cleaned in years. It is covered with lot of black and white mold growing in it. “It was a real health hazard,” the dentist said.
Further examination shocked the dentist with a finding that goes beyond negligence or poor hygiene: he found a sprouting tomato seed in the denture.
2 – Hair
“If many people pay attention to change their toothbrush regularly, there are a surprising number of people who do not care about keeping the same one from one year to another, “notes Dr. Bradstock-Smith.
Clearly, “These people are completely unaware how their mouths became unpleasant, and which task it is for the dentist to have to consider”, stated the same dentist.
1 – 15 MAGGOTS from Inside Little Girl’s Gum
Although she didn’t have any serious pain, she had been complaining of a weird sensation as if something is moving around in her mouth. The mother did not believe her; “at first I thought she was joking”, the mom said.
But upon arrival in the clinic, a dentist examined the mouth of the girl, which reveals swollen gums. Further investigation stunned the dentist; little Ana had more than a dozen maggots living inside her mouth. She suffered from a condition called oral myiasis