Hair Loss Hair loss is a serious esthetic problem for some people. Hair is a …
Gout is a form of arthritis resulted from elevated concentrations of uric acid in your …
Gingiva, (gums) is a part of the oral mucosa, the soft membrane lining of the …
Your stomach is recovered by a protective lining that absorbs acid secretions produced by digestion …
Your gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ located in the abdomen, under the liver. It …
Flu, also called influenza, is an infectious disease, highly contagious, caused by flu viruses (RNA …
“Human eye is a complex organ made up of different parts: iris, cornea, retina, macula, …
Enuresis, also called bedwetting, is an unintentional urination during sleep in a child at a …
The penis is the male sex organ. It is made of many parts: the glans, …
The uterus, also called womb, is a hollow, pear-shaped organ located in the lower abdomen …
Eczema is an acute or chronic allergic disease causing inflammation of your epidermis (the top …
Ear is the human organ of hearing and balance; It collects and analyzes sounds. When …