Simple Tips to get Instagram followers quickly
Having Instagram followers is more important than you probably think. You can turn it into a real lucrative business. Celebrities, business people, friends, family use it to share photos and other updates. You can take advantage of that.
The problem although the social site is constantly growing in popularity, it can be challenging to have many followers if you don’t know the techniques to use.
So the question is how do you get more followers on Instagram?
Here are 7 simple tips to 1000s Instagram followers quickly
None of these tips below will work effectively if your account is set to private. So go in your settings and put your account and pictures on public mode to allow everyone to have access to your posts. A viral picture only can bring you 100s or even 1000s of followers within days.
In addition, it is a good idea to add a bio to your profile. Describe yourself and your interests, and include a relevant hashtag to attract new followers. You can add a bio by going to your profile and pressing the button “Edit Profile”. In the field Bio enter an interesting paragraph about yourself. You can mention that you are open for networking, meet new people, or anything you want to use to attract new followers.
2. Add interesting pictures
This is the simplest mean to get a lot of Instagram followers without being famous. That should be obvious to everyone, but it is not the case for some members; their pictures turn people away. People want to see things that are interesting, not just selfies (unless you are a celebrity) on every page. When they need to see selfies they can visit the Kim Kardashian profile.
Add photos of cool things that followers will love to share. Most people love nature; you can take pictures of beautiful animals or interesting places that you visited. You love to cook, what the pictures of a delicious meal? After you have high quality images to share, upload and make them more visually appealing by trying different angle or else. And remember to use the filter features according to your need.
3. Connect your social media accounts
Now that you have an account with an interesting Bio and beautiful pictures it is time to connect your account to your other social media accounts. You do not have to do so, of course, but doing it will help you build the authority of your account, and thus better ranking for your posts.
Go to your profile, click the Options menu, and then scroll to “Sharing Setting”.
There, you can connect your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr accounts to your Instagram account. Each picture or post you publish will also be shared through these social networks. The more views you receive the higher chance for you to have more Instagram followers.
- Follow others
If you are new on the site, the most obvious thing to do to get more Instagram followers is to follow your friends to let them know about your new account on the social networking site. To do this quickly and easily, open the app and go to your profile, then press the Options in the upper right corner. You will see a menu which has a feature to help you find people to follow. Press it and then choose Connect Facebook. This allows you to find and connect to your Facebook friends.
Back in the menu “follow people,” you also find members who are available to you based on who you already follow. You can also search for people to follow by going to the “Explorer” tab. After doing this you will see your Instagram followers grow quickly.
- Share Interesting Topics
If you are really serious to have a lot of followers on Instagram then it is worth thinking about what you share. It is shown that controversial topics tend to gain the most followers. So do so in a respectful and professional way to get more attention to your account. Avoid posting stupid contents which can cause some people to stop following you.
For example, you may be particularly interested in Politics. Other politic enthusiasts are likely to follow you permanently if you do not stray too far from the topic with your postings. Here is another example; let’s say you travel a lot. Your followers will love reliving the scene of the places where you visited. You can share some of the photos with them.
- Do Not Neglect Hashtags
Unlike Twitter, where they seem to be losing popularity, hashtags are still thriving on Instagram. Do not neglect to add a caption to your photo as well as some relevant hashtags.
Certain websites, such as, allow you to find out the most popular tags.
Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags, but I recommend not using that much.
- Interact with others
Having a dead account is not enough to make yourself seen by others; you need to interact with your Instagram followers. Once you open the account or have applied the tips above, you’ll want to interact with others to become a part of the community. As other people message and comment, respond back to their comments on your posts. Engaging encourages others to click on the magic “Follow” button.
Be polite and respectful in your interactions. It may happen you receive negative comments; ignore them or reply affirmatively. Remember, being active is also important for your ranking. Therefore, do the same for your Instagram followers, comment on their posts.
By sometimes these processes can take time to provide results; other means may be necessary. Certain agencies can do the works for you or you can just buy targeted Instagram followers from them. Regardless of the method you chose, I wish you Good luck.