Home All OthersFood & Supplements 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Bilberry That Can Change Your life

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Bilberry That Can Change Your life

by Delarno
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Bilberry That Can Change Your life

Health Benefits of Bilberry

Bilberry, also known as bog blueberry, bog bilberry, northern bilberry or western blueberry, is a large sub-shrub measuring 30 to 80 cm. the plants can grow in bogs, moors, subalpine rocky slopes and moist woods on circumboreal mountains. The fruits, dark blue very similar to common blueberries, are delicious and great for your body.

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 Discover 7 health benefits of bilberry

1) Good for the eyes – Rich in vitamin A, bilberry can effectively improve the adaptation of the eye to darkness. Various studies, including from pilots, showed that regular consumption favored the production of rhodopsin, a purplish-red light-sensitive pigment found in the retinas of humans and certain species of animals. This berry also helps the body fighting against eyestrain (asthenopia) and certain degenerative eye conditions.

2) Glycemic control – regular consumption of bilberry can help regulate the levels of blood sugar (glucose) in people with diabetes mellitus. This healthy berry participates in the proper management of sugar by the body. Consumed in all its forms, it promotes healthy pancreatic functions. In addition to the berries, the leaves are also recognized in herbal medicine to have the properties to regulate sugar levels in the blood. It is therefore particularly recommended for diabetics.

3) Weight and Blood Pressure control – you want to reduce your risk of overweight naturally? Increase your intake of northern bilberry. The berries are rich in flavonoids which limit insulin resistance, thus allowing better control of blood glucose and prevention of abdominal fats. They also contribute in the prevention of vasoconstriction, narrowing of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure, and risk of cardiovascular disease and overweight.

4) Memory Booster – natural source of flavonoids, bog bilberries act as neuroprotective and thus contribute to the regeneration of the nervous system and prevention of degenerative diseases associated with aging. Its consumption would slow the loss of brain function by improving neural connection and communication. It would also improve the consumption and stimulate cell regeneration of the neurons.

5) Superfruitbog blueberry is, for most consumers, a “superfruit”. It gets this title thanks to its high content in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other healthy nutrients capable of helping consumers live longer, look better, and feel healthier. For instance, the berries are rich in vitamin C, a super antioxidant. This is one of the most energy fruits on earth. So this summer, to start the day “nutritionally loaded”, consider drinking fresh bog blueberry juice along with your orange juice.

6) Healthy digestive functions – among the health benefits of bog bilberry include arming the body to fight against digestive disorders. Thanks to its content in tannins (tannic acid), bilberry not only helps in the prevention of diarrhea but also other forms of digestive disorders such as pain and intestinal spasms associated with colitis. To effectively perform these actions, bog blueberry acts as antibacterial in the intestine and promotes good elimination.

7) Anti-cancer – Recent research has demonstrated the correlation between the consumption of bog blueberry  (Vaccinium uliginosum) extract and prevention of certain cancers. It appeared that it allowed to significantly slow the development of breast cancer in particular. Its consumption is also associated with a decreased risk of metastasis, formation of secondary cancers at a distance from a primary site of the main cancer.

Along with a healthy lifestyle, exercise and restful sleep, regular consumption of non-GMO fruits and vegetables can help you live a healthy and happy long life. As long as you have the opportunity, you can grow your own berries by buying them online or in a nearby nursery.

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