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10 Food Supplements to Get Rid of Depression Quickly

by Delarno
10 Food Supplements to Get Rid of Depression Quickly

Top Foods and Supplements to Get Rid of Depression Symptoms Quickly

The conventional depression treatment options include many therapies and drugs which often cause serious side effects. As most some are, you may be reluctant to take these drugs. But the disorder affects your ability to live a normal life; you need to get rid of it quickly but safely. In this case, your best option can be a natural alternative depression treatment.

Anti depression foodWhile there are several alternatives, anti depression foods and supplements, consumed regularly, can be your best options to fight the depressive disorder. It is not a good guess. It is shown in several medical studies that the following foods and supplement can help fight depression symptoms and allow a depressed individual regain his normal life back.


Anti Depression Supplements

Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Among common omega3 fatty acid deficiency signs include depression symptoms as well as fatigue, poor memory, mood swings, dry skin, heart problems, and limiting blood. That is, your depressive disorder can be a sign of Omega-3 deficiency. Before you undergo major therapies or take drugs, you need to increase this anti depression supplement in your diet: either taking a supplement or eating foods rich in it: flaxseed, chia seeds, fish (tuna, salmon), nuts (walnuts), and others.


Cannabis Oil – it is news everywhere that numerous medical researches show that cannabis (also known as medical marijuana) oil effectively fight several serious illnesses including all types of depression. Cannabis seems to combat many life-threatening diseases including cancer, diabetes, and others. Some individuals claim on YouTube that they no longer diabetic by just taking cannabis oil for a few months.  Some say they were given few weeks to live.

Water – human body is made mostly of water. The same, dehydration or lack of water causes our cells to feel anxious, which can lead to the development of many medical conditions including clinical depression. In fact, water is one of the top therapies to promote good mood, improving mind power, eradicating skin problems and improving motor functions. It flushes out toxins which can lead improved mood. If you feel depressed, drink about 8 glasses of water each day; along with an anti depression foods, and healthy lifestyle, this only can help you get rid of the disorder.

10 Food Supplements to Get Rid of Depression QuicklyB Vitamins – all vitamins are essentials to well-being, but B vitamins have a major effect on mental balance and health in general. Vitamin B6, for instance, contributes in maintaining balance in the neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that facilitate communication throughout the brain and body. It therefore helps control anxiety and nervousness. That is, deficiency of B vitamins such as folate, vitamin B6 and pyridoxine can result in the development of depression symptoms. Food rich in B Vitamins include fruits, vegetables, and certain meats: spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, chicken, breads and black beans.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which fights free–radicals, and improves mental wellness and the immunity levels in the body. It also helps to prevent infections and regulate healthy production of red blood cells. Vitamin B is one of the best anti depression supplements. Foods rich in Vitamin B include wheat (preferably organic), nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruits.

Iron – while most people know health benefits of iron as carrying life-giving oxygen to the blood cells. Studies show that its deficiency can lead to depression symptoms. It is, however, better to take this anti depression supplement from the very food you eat. Foods rich in iron include molasses, kale, enriched rice, meats, legumes, green leafy vegetables, and beans (including kidney beans, pinto, lentils and organic soybeans).

Zinc – if you are depressed, zinc should not be neglected in your diet. In fact, it is among the top anti depression food supplements. The body uses this important mineral in a variety of processes, from manufacturing DNA, wound healing, to maintaining a strong immune system. Zinc plays an important role in metabolism and digestion. And it also helps to fight cold/flu, fatigue, and other infections. Some of the main sources of zinc are whole grains, pumpkin seeds and wheat germ.

Resultado de imagen de CalciumCalcium – Calcium not only improves bone health but also helps to induce sleep naturally, which very important to prevent or combat severe depression symptoms. There have been studies that show that a deficit of calcium has led to depression and fatigue in the participants. Good sources of calcium include chia seed, milk, broccoli, other dairy products, tofu, orange juice and cheese. But it is crucial to balance your calcium intake with magnesium, a powerful mineral.

Magnesium – Magnesium is a mineral essential for the biochemical processes in the body. It involves in numerous mechanisms including transformation of food into energy, production and release of insulin, and regulating blood sugar in the proper functioning of the nervous system. In addition, magnesium is known to have a relaxation effect on the muscles and brain. This mineral also increases the vitality of the body and causes a feeling of joy. Magnesium is a powerful anti stress and depression mineral. Depending on the quality of the supplement, it can start working quickly, about fifteen minutes after intake. Recent studies suggest that it is as effective in fighting depressive disorder as psychotropic drugs, without side effects. Most depressive disorder symptoms disappear or become sufficiently manageable after a few days of taking the supplement. If depression is associated with impatience, impulsiveness, irritability, anxiety, this mineral is even more important.

For one to three months, take 400 to 600 mg of magnesium daily in combination with vitamin B6 and taurine which helps reuptake of magnesium by the cells in the body. The top 10 foods rich in magnesium include spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt or kefir, almonds, black beans, avocado, figs, dark chocolate, and banana.

Selenium – Selenium not only helps get rid of depression symptoms by producing energy in the body but also fights many other diseases including cancer symptoms. Good sources of selenium include poultry, mushrooms, wheat and seafood.

Carbohydrates – taking the right levels of carbohydrates regularly helps produce serotonin which leads to happy mood. Carbohydrates may also raise the levels of tryptophan. Reduced levels of tryptophan are known to trigger a low production of brain serotonin which can impact mood, increase aggression, impair memory function, and others.Resultado de imagen de Carbohydrates

Whole grains and cereals are good sources of carbohydrates.

Anti Depression Foods

The following are some of the top foods that help get rid of depression:

Mangoes [/double_paragraph][double_paragraph]

Whole grains
Whole milk.

[/double_paragraph] [/row]

Regularly consume these anti depression foods and supplements, can be better than taking drugs. In addition, they not only fight depressive disorders but also other serious diseases that reduce our world in a field of pain and suffering.

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