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Prostate Disorders Treatment and Prevention

by Delarno
Prostate Disorders Treatment and Prevention

Prostate disorders include many conditions such as enlarged prostate, cancer, and BPH. Prostate is a walnut-size gland of the male reproductive system. It has a variety of jobs in men life; however, its main function is to secrete and store the seminal fluid, one of the constituents of sperm. The prostate can, unfortunately, affected by disorders that impair its function. The most common problems of the prostate are benign prostatic hypertrophy, Prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) – Also known as enlarged prostate, this disorder is characterized by an increased volume of the prostate gland. In this case, the passage of urine is made difficult, which increases your risk of urinary retention (lack of ability to urinate) and infection of the prostate. BPH is often linked to a diminution of   the male hormone production. This hormal disorder increases considerably as you get older; that’s why prostate issues are frequent among older males. There is a 75% risk of BPH in men over 50 years; clinical signs may be present in almost 100% of men over 90 years.

Conventionally, several drugs are used to treat BPH: Doxazosin, Flomax, Proscar and Avodart. They act on the muscles that control the emptyness of the bladder. Used as prescribed, those medications can greatly improve the quality of your life, although they cannot cure the disease. Surgery is, most of times, necessary to bring a long time relief. Learn more about enlarged prostate

Prostatitis – is the inflammation of the prostate gland; this condition is very common among middle-age men. Severe prostatitis can constrict the urethra and impede the flow of urine, making urination difficult and painful, or completely impossible. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute Prostatitis – acute prostatitis is a sudden swelling of the prostate gland caused, most of the times, by Escherichia coli. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are urinary urgency and painful urination. In addition, you may experience fever, chills and pain in your lower back or your genitals.

Chronic Prostatitis is often due to an untreated acute prostatitis. Symptoms are more severe but similar to acute prostatitis: frequent and painful urination, chills, fever, pain in the prostate gland, lower back pain.

Prostatitis is treated in several ways depending on the severity of the symptoms, but most methods used are antibiotics, surgery, massage, and herbal medicine.

Prostate cancer – is the worst prostate problem men over 50 can face. Not only because the disease is painful, but also, quasi-incurable. Prostate cancer has similar symptoms with those of other prostate-related problems; although, pain in the lower back and difficulty of ejaculation are rarely present in other prostate issues.

This type of cancer develops from the tissues of the prostate when cells of those tissues mutate to multiply uncontrollably. The disease can spread (metastasize) from the prostate to other parts of the body, especially in the lymph nodes. The conventional treatment is surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of all of these methods.

Adopt a healthy diet by eating fresh fruits and cruciferous vegetable abundantly. Fresh fruits are rich in antioxidants and fructose, they powerful weapons againt all types of cancer. Fructose can stimulate the production of vitamin D that will stop the subsequent growth of malignant tumors. In fact, absence or lack of vitamin D intake can increase the risk of developing cancer cells particularly on the prostate.

In addition, it is beneficial to: consume fish, reduce fat in your diet and inncrease your sex life. Consuming lots of omega 3, drink plenty of fluid, most importantly fresh carrot, radish and watercress juice. Many studies have shown that men who live a healthy lifestyle and have regular sexual intercourse are less apt to develop prostate cancer. Learn more about prostate cancer.

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