Home Top 7 Windows 10 Features: 7 Things You Probably Don’t’ Know

Windows 10 Features: 7 Things You Probably Don’t’ Know

by Delarno
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Windows 10 Features: 7 Things You Probably Don't’ Know

After a year of waiting, the newest Microsoft operating system, Windows 10, has been finally launched this summer. Here are 7 facts you should know about windows 10.

1. No More Passwords!
Windows 10 integrates “Windows Hello”, a system of recognition of fingerprint and iris. That is, you no longer have to remember a password to open your session as long as you have your fingers and your eyes with you.

2. Free Windows
For the first time, Microsoft agreed to offer licenses for its operating system to owners of previous versions of Windows: 8.1 and 7. This is an unprecedented approach for the company that traditionally based its business model on selling licenses. This is good news for users all over the world. Upgrading Windows 7 or 8.1 is completely free, except for the Enterprise editions.

3. The First Universal Windows
Windows 10 is the first Microsoft operating system to be the same on different media: computer, phone, tablet… This should make life easier for users, although in reality the version of Windows 10 will be installed in different devices: the use of the mouse is not yet possible on a phone!


4. A New Browser
The historic browser of Microsoft, Internet Explorer, gives way to Microsoft Edge, which is built into Windows 10. This new browser will also be compatible with different devices, which was not the case of Internet Explorer.  One of Microsoft Edge novelties is the fact it contains a voice assistant called Cortana. It is the personal assistant for Windows 10 which can do many things, among others, able to tell you jokes.

5. Floppy Disc Reader
Although Windows 10 developers had planned to eliminate any compatibility with floppy drives, ultimately this compatibility has been reintroduced thanks to the request of several companies.

In case you are not too familiar with it, A floppy disk, also called a diskette or just disk, is a type of disk storage composed of a disk of thin and flexible magnetic storage medium, sealed in a rectangular plastic carrier lined with fabric that removes dust particles.

6. Candy Crush Saga Pre-installed
This is good news for the game lovers. The famous puzzle game, Candy Crush Saga, is preinstalled on Windows 10, right next Solitaire, Minesweeper and Queen of Spades.
The game is fun and addictive; it has been downloaded more than half a billion times. This is a game to play before you start your work day in order to improve your mood.

7. Open to Concurrent Applications
Android and iOS (originally iPhone OS) applications run on Windows 10 Mobile. Ultimately, most of these competing applications will be operational there… And Microsoft releases tools to help developers extend their applications to the Windows 10 platform.

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