Yeast infection, also called candidiasis, is an infection resulted from proliferation of the fungus Candida Albicans. The infection can affect the skin folds, mucous membranes of the vagina (women), penis (men) or the digestive system. In rare and severe cases, the infection can affect the liver, heart or spleen.
Depending on the organ affected, yeast infection is grouped into three main categories:
Oral yeast infection – commonly called oral thrush, is a type of yeast infection characterized by thick cream-coloured deposits on the buccal mucosa – the lining of the inside of the cheeks and lips. As the infection aggravates, the mucosa can become inflamed and bright red. The disease causes a whitish deposit on the tongue and soft palate, leading to painful swallowing. Certain people may also experience presence of oral lesions that can slowly spread in the mouth. Oral yeast infection occurs more often in immunocompromised (having a weakened immune system); individuals carrying denture and people suffering from absence or lack of saliva due certain diseases and medical treatments such as: chemotherapy and radiation.
Skin yeast infection (cutaneous candidiasis) – this is a form of yeast infection affects mainly the moist areas of the skin: armpits, groins, genital areas, buttocks, and under breasts (women). It is characterized by papules (small and solid skin lesions), erythema (redness of the skin) and itching. The disease can also develop a form of infection of the hair follicles called folliculitis. Although rare, the infection can extend to the base of the fingernails.
Vaginal yeast infection – this type of yeast infection is characterized, among women, by a vulvo-vaginitis with or without a cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge; among men, by an itchy rash between the glans and the foreskin. Men may also experience a discharge that occurs from the urethra. Vaginal yeast infection occurs in women when the balance between the normal microorganisms of the vagina is unable to protect the body against the overgrowth of the Candida Albicans population.
Yeast Infection Causes
Candida is a group of micro-organisms living in the vagina, skin and digestive tract; most of them are harmless. The most common species that are known to cause disease is the candida albicans. Candida albicans become pathogenic (causes disease) when there is an uncontrolled overgroth due to certain factors such as HIV infection, cancer, diabetes, hormonal changes, certain drugs (contraceptive pill, antibiotic, chemotherapy) and all other medical conditionx weakening the immune system. That is, you have yeast infection when the natural defense of your body is unable to prevent the anarchic proliferation of those bacteria. Yeast infection may also occur in the event of an excoriation of your skin, which can result from the use of chemicals on the skin or in the vagina (soap, powder). Excess moisture is also a trigger of yeast infection.
Other factors increasing your risk of developing yeast infection include obesity (due to extra skin folds), pregnancy and wearing denture. Poor vaginal hygiene and Injury to the vulvar can also lead to vaginal yeast infection.
Yeast Infection Symptoms
Symptoms of yeast infection can slightly vary depending on the organ affected. Thus, Symptoms of oral yeast infection may include:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cottage cheese-like lesions on your tongue, inner cheeks, on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of your throat
- In severe cases, lesions may develop into your esophagus, or swallowing tube which cause difficulty or painful swallowing.
If you have skin yeast infection, you will likely have:
- Itching
- rash Skin redness or inflammation
- lesions in fingernails (onychomycosis)
- Infection of hair follicles (folliculitis)
- Infection or pain in the ears
- Skin lesions mostly on the skin folds, genitals, trunk, buttocks, under the breasts.
Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Vaginal itching and burning
- abdominal pain
- Painful Urination
- Vaginal odor
- irritation on penis
- anal itching
- itchy rash between the glans and foreskin (men)
- Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Inflammation of the vulvar skin (women).
Yeast Infection Treatment
Natural therapy – Adopting healthy eating habits is essential to treat yeast infection. It is almost impossible to fully recover from a serious yeast infection while consuming unhealthy foods. In your diet, you should eliminate sugar in all its forms: natural sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, etc.. In addition, you should not consume alcohol beverage (wine, beer), fungi and fermented foods (cakes and pastries, all fermented cheeses, mushrooms), certain meats (lobster, pork, turkey, Smoked meat), certain beverages (soft drinks, coca, jam, jelly, soda, coffee) and refined carbohydrates (pasta, white bread, white rice). You should also avoid applying certain cosmetic products on your skin.
Along with a good diet, taking Lactobacillus Acidophilus regularly can slow down overgrowth of Candida Albicans in your vagina and digestive system. It is also vital to drink lots of fluids to increases the elimination of toxins and ensures the proper functioning of your lymphatic system.
Drugs therapy – The form of treatment and medications used depends on the type of infection. Thus, in cutaneous Yeast infection, your doctor may prescribe you topical antifungal medication along with drugs Miconazole and Ketoconazole to be taken orally. For vaginal yeast infection, the doctor can recommend direct administration of antifungal medicine tablets, cream, ointment, suppository (Butoconazole) into the vagina.
Antifungal drugs such as Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, and Nystatin are used to treat oral yeast infection and other type of yeast infection.
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